
We specialize in corporate and Investor websites.

With our advanced SaaS, expert design and responsive support, we’re ready to meet all of your website needs today.

Modern Software – Responsive Support – Digital IR Services

How We're Different.

We offer…..

  • Custom corporate and investor websites
  • Data Anywhere SaaS to display automated and custom content on any website
  • Financial and material disclosure automated data feeds to add an investor section to any website
  • Content management through IROffice portal
  • Responsive customer and developer support
  • Scalable, affordable solutions

Partner with us today for a modern, collaborative investor website solution.

Experience Matters.

As pioneers of the first SaaS for Investor Relations in 2000, B2i has over 2 decades of experience delivering custom corporate and Investor websites.  Our software simplifies content management, improves cost efficiency, and creates a unified brand for SEO and Marketing.

Data Anywhere

A highly customizable JavaScript API and WordPress Plugin, providing developers with the flexibility and tools needed to integrate financial data and material disclosures seamlessly into any website. Software that is designed to accommodate diverse integration requirements, ensuring compatibility across different systems and technologies.


A proprietary content management system that is simple to use, streamlines workflow with a point and click interface, and expedites website content management without developer skills. Allowing anyone to manage any content on any website through the IROffice portal.

Leading The Future

Our Data Anywhere and IROffice software work together to display financial and material data along with custom content within any website platform.  Coupled with our contact manager and automated email notifications, we ensure a seamless and compliant information flow.

Key Advantages

Our open engagement business model is unique and makes collaborating with different teams easy and efficient.
It saves you money, eliminates frustration, and gives you full control over your website.

Reduce Expenses

Reduce costs associated with managing 2 separate websites.

Unify your Brand

Prevent websites from falling out of sync with evolving brand standards.

Improve SEO

Streamline your SEO strategies with one unified website.

Security and Control

Streamline your IR efforts with increased security, control and flexibility.